At the park I met a new friend. Her name is Abby, and she's a pretty Goldendoodle!

She was kinda fun to play with, but to tell you the truth, I prefered playing with my orange ball.

So I chased after my ball, and Abby chased after me. I'm not sure if she wanted me or my ball...

But she never actually caught up to me. I can outrun any dog, hee hee. If she wants my ball, there's no way I'm gonna let her have it!

After a while, Abby's human decided to take Abby home. So she left, and I was able to play ball by myself again. But just when my humans were getting ready to try to take me home, guess who appeared out of no where? Abby! And guess what she did? She got my ball!

I wasn't prepared at all for Abby to just show up and take my ball! Turns out that as soon as she got home, her human turned her back on Abby for just one second, and Abby came strait back to the park when her human wasn't looking. After a few minutes Abby's mom came back and found Abby with me and my ball. So Abby went home again, and I got my ball back. But as soon as I got my ball back, we had to go home. Oh well, hopefully I can play with my orange ball longer next time.
Thank you Ben Benjamin for giving me the Funky Blog award! I feel honored!
Hi, Sparky!
Its so nice to meet new friends, right? Abby is beautiful!
How was that you were more interested in you ball??
Congratulations on your award!
Kisses and hugs
Can't blame Abby though. You have a pretty orange ball there. No dogs would resist it.
Congrats on your funky award!
Sparky, Im sure Abby is not there to steal your orange ball. I think she came back for YOU !!!! You know gal, dont dare to express her feeling for you, so she just get the ball to get your attention.
Wow! Abby is so pretty!
Congrats on your funky award!
Oh Abby sounds fun.
Good thing you got your orange ball back
~ Girl girl
Your friend is very tall. Looks like you had good fun together.
Simba x
Abby must have planned to come back unannounced to get your ball. She is so smart that she knows the way to the park all by herself. She must have wanted to play with you badly.
Oh, Abby is bootiful & she does not look like a Goldendoodle to me! I'm sure you both had a great time together!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Abby looks like a blast but I'm with you Sparky. I'm a pretty big fan of chasing my ball.
Hey Sparky! Abby is beautiful and look how she runs! whoa. I'm glad she didn't catch up on you! Congrats on your award!
Amber :)
Hi Sparky,
First of all thank you so much for the award. i'm going to make sure mom posts it NOW! Otherwise she'll forget!
It's been raining alot her lately. mom says she loves the rain and we always seem to go out in it-she especially loves to run in the rain! Silly mom!!! If you lived close you could always come running with us-sometimes when mom runs races or goes long distances, she leaves me at home....something about being nice to me because I'm not training for a race.... who knows.
Sparky..Congratulations on your award!
Your new friend Abby looks very nice..hopefully u will see her again soon.
Your weather is a lot better than ours..we are cold and have big big windies at the mo.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets
Hey Sparky, I'm the same way in the park. I play with my ball. I've got no problem if another dog wants to run with me, but I'm just as happy if it's just me too.
woofies Sparky, me finks dat Abby wood rather play wiff u than u ball...congrats on u awarwd...she a smart girl to come back so quick..heehee me wonders iffin her likes baffs...
b safe,
Hi Sparky,
Great to see you having a good time with friends. Wow Abby sure wanted that ball - to run away from her mum and come back to the park to get it!!
Jazz and Dixie
Cripes Sparky, Abby must really like you if she ran away from her mum...hee hee my sisters Lucy and Willow would do something like that!!!
Hugs and tail wags
Your friend looks like fun, but I'd be careful of her... she's got a scampy side!
- Charlie
Abby looks pretty, but she's in love with your ball!! Doesnt sound good!
Hi Sparky,
Wahahah.. that Abby must REALLY want that ball! Can't believe how she sneaked back for it!
Congrats on the award!
hey Sparky, Abby seems so cute and funny ^_^ but you better watch out next don't wanna loose your orange ball LOL
Malts' paws,
Well, don't let Buddy see your red ball. he thinks everything he sees is his.
Glad you made a new friend. Perhaps next time she'll bring her own ball.
jans funny farm
Hi Sparky
I've missed you !!!
Hope you have more time with your orange ball the next time you go to the park. I would never take your ball away from you.
Have a good weekend mate. We're really looking forward to Autumn which starts tomorrow. The last 2 months have been non-stop rain and so hoomid. I don't like the hoomid weather at all.
Love from Hammer
hey, she is so beautiful.. can u give her my number?
can i play with you too???
We always like to meet new friends! It was luck that you could get your ball back! We can't wait for it to not be so cold so we can go to our dog parks. Our dad is such a wimp about the cold. Have a great weekend, Sparky!! Belly Rubs,
Tasha & Eva.
Hey Sparky!
Abby sure is pretty!! Looks like you two had fun!!
Congrats on your funky award!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Abby is beautiful. We think sh e just wants to play with you.
Boy n Baby
hi Sparky, it sure is nice to have better weather now, isn't it? we're glad to see you out playing with your new friend and your ball. life doesn't get much better than that!
That Abby seems awful tricky!
Hey, what's the deal? I live in Canada and we ain't gettin' no 20'C. Where'dya live for pete's sake??? You lucky dog, you.
That orange ball looks like a lot of fun. Mom laughed at your story about Abby running back to the park. Funny girl.
P.S. Cool 'Funky' award!! ;)
Wow that Abby sure does sound like a cheeky one!!
I hope she doesn't interrupt your game with your orange ball again too soon!!
You are brave to play with such a bigger dog!! You looked like you had a lot of fun, even if the ball was taken away every once in a while. :)
hey sparky...ur got urself a new fren there...
Abby is very pretty. Glad you can out run here. She liked you so much she didn't want to leave
Hi Sparky
Women are strange !
congrats on your Funky award you so deserve it
your friend Abby seems way fun and smart if she found her way back to the park to have more play time with you. were you playing hard to get Sparky?
Love Licks
Sparky Boy!
That Abby looks like one persistent little pupgirl! Is it any wonder she wanted to come back for one last look at you and a nice chew on your orange ball?
Goob love,
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