We found out what was wrong with my paw. I actually didn't cut it on a piece of ice. And it wasn't my toe on my paw that hurt, but it was actually my nail on my toe on my paw that hurt. Turns out, last time I went for a haircut, the groomers forgot to clip one of my toenails. So my nail was really long, and it curled around and kinda dug into my paw, and it was all crushed and cracked near the top where it grows out from my toe. My humans decided to trim my nail back to it's normal length, and then let the crushed and cracked part grow out, and then trim it off again. So Lizzy and her dad held me down, while Lizzy's mom got out the doggy nail clippers. She put the clippers around my claw, and got ready to squeeze. Lizzy and her dad held on to me very tight. I had a feeling this would hurt...
Yes, it did hurt. A lot. I had yanked my paw back just as my nail was being clipped, so my whole nail ripped off from the top where it had been crushed. Now I have a very short, funny looking nail.
I do feel so much better now, though! I can walk comfortably again! But it'll take a while for my nail to grow back in, and I have to stay inside most of the time so that I don't get dirt inside my nail, so it doesn't get infected.
Here's a picture of me, from my short walk the other day. I wish I could play on the pond behind me before it melts, but I think I'll have to wait 'till next year...

Oh well. I hope you're all having a great week so far!
Hi Sparky!
SNOW....what's that?? I've only seen it once and it was kinda ice like and you got 12" wow thats alot of the cold white stuff!! Cool! Maybe you'll see it before it melts!!
I bet that hurt so much when your nail came out! I would have crawled under the bed and never come out! OUCH!!! But I know they didn't mean to hurt you!
The burger and fries were YUMMY! Mom doesn't eat meat so it was a veggie burger-I'm beginning to like those veggie burgers!!
Thanks for visiting!!
OH NO Sparky...ouch!!! I sure hope your nail heals soon. You're such an active boy...you need to be out and about! But you better listen to Lizzy...she knows what is best!
Feel Better - Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh Sparky, That's such a drag. It sounds like you've had a tough toe time.
All our snow is going away here too. This morning, mom was digging out her car, but tonight it will rain and it is going to rain all day tomorrow too. So much for the white stuff.
I hope your toe feels better really, really soon so you can play properly again.
Hi, Sparky!
Glad they found what was hurting you! But sure it was painful! I hope you are better soon!
Take care
Hi Sparky,
yeah my mom felt she was a hypocrite if she ate meat since she loves animals so much...so she stopped. I still get meat but she wont eat it. i guess that's good for us animals!!! No matter what i love my mom!! She's the best!
Ooh, that sounds painful!! Good thing you found out about your curling toenail and got it fixed. Maybe you'll still have time to play in the snow this winter :)
Hey there Sparky!
Glad it was just your nail and that your humans fixed it! But ouch, that must have hurt!
VERY cute pic!!
And of course you may have some treats!!
*hands over a pawful*
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Your lizzy is not the only one! What a good mom you have!!! My mom stopped eating meet when her boyfriend left her-she decided to change her entire life and she did-I'm very proud of her! She had talked about going veggie for a long time but I guess it took a sad thing for her to look at what was important in her life and what she cared about-and that was us, her animals!!!
woofies Sparky, me mama and daddy clip my nails too, me trwys to b still but sumtimessss me gots to pull me paw back....me hopies urs feelies better soon....
b safe,
That does sound painful. I hope your paw is better soon.
Simba xx
Oh, sparky, I went "OOOOOOOOOHHHH!" when I read that! Your poor sore paw!
I have to tell you, though, that you look super cute in that photo!
Oh my, how come your nail was left to grow sooo long? You sound like the type who does NOT like nails being clipped. I can't stand it too! i struggle quite a bit. I bet you feel sooo much better now that it's not jabbed into your paw paw...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
ouch! that's hurt...
i know ur dissapointed...but is alright....winter will come every year...
Wow, Sparky - you are a handsome devil! Glad your foot's feeling better.
- Charlie
Ouch! I bet your paw feels sooo much better right now. Did Lizzy kiss your little toe to make it better?
Ouch!!! That sound horrible & I can feel your pain here too. I hate nail triming & I never let the hooman clip my nail easily...I hope your nail grow back soon and all the pain pain go away.
By the way, Sparky. You are soooooooo photogenic & Liz is really good in photographing...I love this photo, you look so cute !!!
Oh, Sparky, We're howling with you. That had to be painful. We hope it heals quickly, before all the snow melts, and doesn't get infected.
jans funny farm
Hi Sparky
Sorry I haven't visited for a while but there's been lots happening and mum is helping me catch up. I'm real sorry about your toe nail. That must have hurt real bad. Rose has had some terrible grooming experiences. Her toe nails were so long when she came to mum they had curled into a 1/2 circle and she couldn't walk proper. Mum likes to groom us herself now coz the dog groomers seem to rush too much.
We're stuck inside too. We've been flooded in 6 times so far and it's still happening. When the sun comes out, it's too hot for me. I'm not used to the hoomidity.
I'm thinking of you, mate, and hope your toe gets better real quick.
Love from Hammer
Ooh Sparky
that must have been painful..I feel bad that you have to watch the snow melt, but at least you had some..this has been the wowst yeaw hewe in NYC..not any snow at all..evewy time they pwedict it, I get my hopes up, and all we get is icy wain..the wowst!!
Does this mean you son't be coming to Koobuss' ski-Valentine's pawty??
I hope you heal soooon!!!
I'm sending extwa healing smoochie kisses fow you
Oh Sparky that sounds too horrible to think about! Our mum just has to get those terrible clippers out of the cupboard and we run and hide! We feel sorry that you can't go out in the snow as it sounds as though you really want to but rest up and get better soon.
Jazz and Dixie
Hi Sparky!
I hope your paw is better soon.
Love and licks
Ouch Sparky..we bet that hurt. Ellie can emphathise with you she has a horrid nail that always curls around..so the hoomans have to trim it often.
We are glad you are feeling better and can walk now.
What a gorgeous photo of you..your really are a looker!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Oh Sparky!! Dude...so sorry to hear about your toe! Glad you are on the mend...We just got dumped with more of the white stuff last night! I'm starting to really enjoy it more and more!
Don't worry...winter is a long time from being over!
That toenail clipping sure does sound painful Sparky - but I'm glad you are feeling better.
That is a wonderful photo of you!!
Don't worry Sparky you will be out playing in the snow in no time. Our MeMaw said they got 12 inches again last night in Wisconsin. We sure wish we would get snow in Texas it looks like so much fun to play in..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Hi Sparky. Have you made it out to play in the snow yet?? I hope so. It doesn't snow at my house-only up in the mountains. And yes I was a little tired after my run with my mom-she went at the hottest time of the day-stupid mom!!!
Oh Geez Sparky! That had to hurt! We hate having our nails clipped too! Sure hope you get to play in the snow again soon! I know what snow is, but Ozzers doesn't. I got to play in the snow my very first Christmas and it was so fun! Take care of yourself buddy!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww. Poor little Sparkums have an owie? Let Mary-Margaret lick it and make it all better. (lick lick smooch)
There. All fixed. Mom clipped my nail too short once and tried to blame it on me. Well, if I think somethings gonna hurt, you can bet I'm going to try to pull away. So now it's MY fault that SHE cut it too short. Go figure.
Anyway...you have my deepest and heartfelt sympathy.
Love, Mary-Margaret
Poor Sparky! That must have really hurt...but it should feel better soon. The snow will be around for a while, I have a feeling.
EEKS i hate nail clipping. I always let out alittle of amonia acid hahahaha
We hope your toenail gets better soon so you can go out and play in the snow again. We have been playing in the snow lots this year. Momma tried to get pictures of us but you can hardly see us because we are white and the snow is white. Oh well.
Woofs Casper, Buddy and Nikki
Hi Sparky,
I held my paw real tight as I read that story!!!
ouch!! poor you sparky! that sure gotta hurt!get well soon ok????
Brandy and Gang.
We hope it doesn't get infected. That wouldn't be good. make sure you keep your foot clean.
Hi Sparky, yeeeeooooowwww that sure sounds like it hurt when your toenail got clipped off. it's good to know that the problem is solved now and you just have to let it heal. we have been bored too. mom didn't take us to the dog park last weekend and this weekend it still uncertain. all we do is stay home and be bored. but we don't have snow like you do. we sure would like to come and play in your snow.
I hope your paw is better now Sparky
~ Girl girl
Oh, poor Sparky! I hope your toe is feeling better. I hate getting my nails clipped too. It's really cold here so my people don't like to take me outside much either.
Your friend, Lenny
Oh Gosh Sparky! You have been so kind with well wishes for my seizures and I have been so behind in my reading that I didn't know you had a hurt paw. I hope it is getting better each and every day!!
awwwh Sparky! what a great pic of you!
No worries matie we've had the broken nail thingy more times then mom would like cos we play hard running up & down the deck stairs and diggin to middle earth and all. She finally bought some expensive liquid bandage to protect us from ourselves lol
hey really a truly great pic buddy
Love Licks
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