I have decided to take over the blog in just small steps. After all, I still need my eating time and my sleeping time, so I can't take over the whole blog at once! So, my first step, was to make one day a week MY day. So, that's why I just came up with "White Cat Wednesday". And NO, I am NOT using "Fat Cat Friday"! I'm not fat. Just a little pudgy. That's all.
You better watch that cat or he will take over. Cats are always that way..
You can tag along with us anytime you wish. We love the lake and all are welcome...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Hi White cat..You awe lovely, but don't be nasty to my sweet fwiend Sparky..I'm going to see him tomowwow at the ski pawty and he'll tell me if you'we mean..so watch out!
smoochie kisses
Happy Valentine's Day, Sparky!
White Cat, you better watch out for Sparky though!
Its nice to see you... on wednesdays! Better forget those ideas. Sorry but I will tell Sparky about your plans!
Hello White cat. You sure look proud of yourself in that photo.
~ Girl girl
Happy valentines day.
Lots of love Simba x
Hey, who you calling mutt huh mutt???
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ooh...white cat. You is scary. But I can sympathize with you on one point--people is all the time telling me I is fat...and I is not...I is just fluffy!
Hi White Cat
My loyalties lie with Sparky but we will be nice to you!!
Oh no, poor Sparky, it's an invasion! I swear you cats are always taking over everything. I'm going to change my password now in case Mango gets a hold of it.
Happy Valentine's Day, Sparky and White Cat! :)
Happy Valentines Day to you and your mommy! I got a squeaky pink bone from mommy for Valentines Day and I gave her a big hug and kiss this morning.
have a great day!
Ooh, that white kitty looks scary. CC-man is hiding in his cage now!
White cat, you better not take up too much of Sparky's blog. If not, all the pups at DWB will not let you off.
We are watching you!
Hey White Cat, tell your buddy Sparky that we sure appreciate him checking up on Rocky. Let him know that he's feeling much better now. Be a good kitty and maybe you can get your own blog and you won't have to "take over" Sparky's!
Ozzie & Rocky
Hey White Cat
You better be nice 'cause Sparky's pals are gonna tell. I don't think you're too fat. Just plump.
Sneaky. You are ingenious.
jans funny farm
Hi White Cat, we're just surprised to see a cat on a dog's blog. we sure would like to **play** with you.
Sparky! We are sooo sorry you can't play in the snow! Tell Lizzy to put mail polish on your toe (Princess Prefers Pink!) to protect it then let you go go GO!
Have fun!
seems like the white cat invasion is happening!!
sparky, watch OUT!
Hmmmm, what's that saying we hear from cats all the time? "Cats rule and dogs drool"?
We like cats but we're glad you are just taking one day out of the 7. Sparky is a great pup and we love to read his blog.
Oh.. ermm.. Hi there White Cat.. you really don't look 'fat'.. you just look a little bit fierce to me. Please be nice to my friend Sparky.. or else.. else.. I will sit on you!
Hello Sparky!! How are you? We haven't seen you for a while...Did white kitty change your password and you can't log in?? :)
Please come by our blog when you have a moment!! You're awarded!!
Momo & Pinot
Watch out White Cat, Sparky might not like you taking over! Hee Hee
Hi purdy white cat. we think you should furget your evil plans cos all us doggie might have to chase you off.
But if Sparky's off doing sometin else we don't see why not you leave a post.
Love Licks
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