Monday, February 9, 2009

So I've Been Gone a Few Days...

... Okay, a few weeks...  Well, almost two months...  But it wasn't my fault.  It never is.  It was my human's fault.  She's been very busy for the last little while so she hasn't had time to help me blog... 

But she certainly hasn't ignored me completely!  I trained her how to do lots of new tricks with me.  We've been practicing more canine freestyle lately, it's super fun!  So I guess these few weeks that I've been gone from the blogging world haven't been completely empty of entertainment!  

Oh, do you all remember White Cat?  The Fatso?  Well he's started limping on Friday, there's something wrong with his front left leg.  But there doesn't seem to be any swelling and there's no thorns in his paw...  We think he might have arthritis, but we're not completely sure.  If the limping continues for a few more days, or if it gets worse, we'll take him to the vet.  He's gettin' really old now so I hope it's nothing too serious...  Just thought I'd let you all know so you could keep him in your prayers this week...

As for me, here's some of the fun I've had throughout all of January!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Ahhhhh! Sparky! I've been waiting for you! I'll do the dance of joy to greet you, buddy.
I love those clips, you're so sporty, man. I like the way you skillfully jump up on the chair back and forth.
My only sport is jumping up when I see food, hehe!

Nibbles Treats said...

Welcome back. We missed you!

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oh, I send my positive vibes to White Cat the Fatso right now. Hope he feels better soon, muahhh!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I've missed woo!

I kept trying to snag the Xterra and khome look fur woo!

If I didn't know any better, I thought I was seeing a khokholate siberian!

Grrrrrrreat snow work!


Thor and Jack said...

Hi Sparky! I´ve missed you!
I loved watching your videos! You are so cute and smart, man! You did very well those tricks! I´m sending golden vibes to White Cat. Hope he gets better soon!


Lacy said...

w00f's Sparky, hmmm it about time u comed missed hopes white cat gits to feeling a lot better..

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sparky!
I missed you a lot!
I can see you have been very busy with all those jumpings, tricks, snow, friends!
Thanks for sharing the videos!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Hi Sparky! I knew you'd eventually come back! I'm glad you're okay. I just watched your videos with Zeke (I didn't even have a little brother yet when you last blogged) and now we feel like jumping over the chairs and furniture...and getting our parents to listen to better music! I hope Mr. White Cat feels better soon.

Your pal,

Moco said...

I was thinking about you the other day. I can see you have been very busy on your off time. Good to have you back.

i said...

Hi Sparky! Sure have missed you! Glad to know all is well with you there. Great videos! Hope Mr. White Cat gets better soon.

Bae Bae said...

Welcome back. I sure missed you..

I'll keep my paws crossed for White Cat too

~ Bae

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

There you are Sparky!!! We been checking on you everyday. I hope white cat is ok and please dont get MIA again.

slurpy licks,

Suzuki said...

Hi Sparky
Secondly, I hope the whit cat is feeling better soon.
Big licks to you

Kelly said...

SPARKY! I have been worried SICK about you! I keep telling Momma 'Sparky needs to come back!'

I missed you!

Fred said...

Glad you're back! Looks like you had a fantastic holiday! Take good care of white cat!

the many Bs said...

hi Sparky, we're happy to see you again! those are some terrific video/slide shows of you doing A LOT of fun stuff. we are so impressed with your freestyle moves, and of course you are the BEST JUMPER we know. it was also cute to see you running around in the snow. we could tell you were having a blast!

we'll cross our paws for your fat cat's leg to get better. we think he's probably faking it. hee hee!


Sharon said...

Oh my gosh, Sparky, you are one active dog!! It looks like you had a blast :)

Glad to have you back!
S and D

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hey Sparky, good to have you back blogging.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Awesome video's. You have so much fun..
Yepper we have missed you. Callie is growing so fast and becoming a real herder...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Abby said...

Hi, Sparky...

You are just the coolest dog ever...You are sooo smart & you do the greatest tricks...

I hope White Cat feels better soon...

Abby xxxooo

Eric said...

Sparky Barky. There you are! great to see you back pal. I'd missed you around. Loved loved loved those vids, seriously WICKED!!

Hope White cats leg gets better. paws crossed.

Wiry wags, Eric xx

Hero said...

Wow, Sparky! That was one SERIOUS leap over that park bench. You were practically soaring!

Snowball said...

Sparky! Welcome back!!! I miss seeing you in action.

I hope fatso will be feeling better soon. Perhaps some heat press should help.


Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Great to see you back love the vids they are super duper.
Hope fatcat get s better soon.

ludo the cool dude

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Great to see you back love the vids they are super duper.
Hope fatcat get s better soon.

ludo the cool dude

Duke said...

Great videos, Sparky! We've sure missed you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deetz said...

ITs so nice to have you back.....we missed you. My mum has been busy too and we are having a hard time keeping up with everyone. Yes, I got a new lil brother. He bites all the time and steals my toys. But I love him.

Anonymous said...

Sparky you are a very talented canine. We think you are so gifted aand lucky to be with those personal assistants who video you. Can you tell us about your beginnning, how many were in your litter, how did your uprights find you, how did you train them, how has stardom changed you?
Sally and Rufus

Southbaygirl said...

Sparky I missed you SO MUCH!!! I'm so glad you are back blogging!!! At least your mom didn't ignore you for those 2 months!! It looks like you had a great time.

We are all going to keep our paws crossed for your white fatso kitty! One of my kitties is old and has a bit of arthritis....he limps a bit. We all hope Fatso is ok!


Stanley said...

Sparky Boy!

LOVED the 2nd video and I'm sure I would have loved the first video if I could have seen it, but it wouldn't work for me, man!

YOU are one amazing pup and so is your Lizzy! You guys have been working hard, and we've really missed you.

Praying for Fat cat and sending some healing goober smooches his way. Keep us posted, please!

Goober love & smooches,

Joe Stains said...

you have to teach me how to jump over benches like that!! I wish I could do that. I can dance, ok, but not as good as you! you should open your own school.

Lady Kaos said...

Great videos!! Looks like you've taught Lizzy lots and lots of cool ne tricks! Mom wants to know of you have springs in your back legs instead of bones the way you jump over benches and chairs so well. lol

Tee said...

You're a very Talented Dog Sparky! You parents must be real PROUD!

Licks and Wags,

Tuffy of Dog Woods

parlance said...

Hi, Sparky. I'm pretty excited because Penny and I are going to canine freestyle classes in March. I'll be keeping a close eye on your blog in case you give out some hints.

parlance said...

Hi, Sparky. I'm pretty excited because Penny and I are going to canine freestyle classes in March. I'll be keeping a close eye on your blog in case you give out some hints.

Behr Behr said...

Wow, your video was pawsome!! You are quite the clever dog!
I love your website, and will be back to visit again. I found you thru Lorenza's blog. Hopefully you don't mind me adding your link to my little blog too.

Behr Behr :)