Hello everyone, I'm baaaack! And guess what I did this week? I painted a picture!
Remember last year, when I painted a picture which sold for 100 USD, and I donated all the money to help the Australian animals that were caught and injured by the bushfires? You can read all about that HERE.
Well, this year I am painting for the Coquitlam Animal Shelter. It's a no-kill animal shelter for stray cats and dogs and other critters that live in our city. Here's a link to the shelter website, here.
We want to raise money for the animal shelter so that the animals can have a better Christmas this year!
My human did not take many photos this year of me in the progress of the painting... But, we did get it on video! Please watch this video that my human Lizzy made!
Duuude, I am so excited about this!
I would be so happy if all of my blogging pals could help spread the word of this painting around.
Oh, and for those of you who are not able to bid on the painting, but would still like to help... There are some Google adds on the side of my blog... For each click on one of the adds, we receive a few cents. Every single cent will be used to help the shelter animals around the world!
Here is a photo of the finished painting...

And another photo of me sitting beside my painting!
Hehe, I think I'm going to have to make this a yearly tradition, painting to help our animal friends in need!
Thank you all SO much for your help! I hope everydog, cat, human, and whoever/whatever else is reading this, will have a GRRRReat day!
Woo are just too talented fur words!
Great paw-work again!
I'll be glad to spread the word fur woo (this Sunday shall be Sparky's Sharing Sunday at Khyra's Khorner)!
I hope your snow arrives soon! Mine left and I want it bakhk!
Sparky! You totally rock! You worked SO hard on that painting... I'm gonna try to buy it, but I'll help spread the word too.
G'day Sparky mate, that is an awesome masterpiece. You're sure to raise lots of money . That was so good of you to donate to the Aussie animals caught in the bushfires. Thanks buddy for all your hard work.
Noah x
Hi Sparky!
What a wonderful idea! You are an amazing painter! I hope your painting sells for lots so that the shelter animals have a wonderful Christmas!
:) Tibby
w00fs, excellent job Sparky....me will haff to go check it out...
b safe,
Hi Sparky!
Wow, talk about talented paws!!
Dat's totally pawesome!
You are such a great painter, and what a fantastic idea to do this yearly!
Woof! YOU ARE GREAT!!! Just want to wish you and your family Happy Holidays. I just posted my last post for the year. We are going on a long Holiday break. Lots of Golden Holiday Woofs, Sugar
WOWOWOWOOOOOOO Sparkyyyyyyyyyy!!!
What a great great greatpainter you're!!!
Such talented boy!!!!!
We love your painting!!!!
We're gonna try to buy it!!!!!
Hope to win!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend sweet Sparky!!!
We love youuuuuuuuuuu!!!
Sparky!!! This is FABULOUS! Great work and great charity!
Blessings to you.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose and mom
wow...athletic AND an artist? that's just not fair that you go all the talent!
tee hee
we love your painting. it's very, um, jackson pollack meets japaneese characters.
wild dingo
that was fabulous! we put it on our blog!
your pals, Morgan & Maisie
Hi Sparky!! You sure are handsome!! You are a pawsome artist too!
We love our blog!! Wanna be friends? You can visit us at:
Woofs and Kisses!
You are so talented, Sparky! What a gorgeous work of art and for such a wonderful cause! Bless you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Well done, Sparky. You are the most talented pup I have known.
Oh my god!!! Sparky, you are an artist very important... I love your paint, i hope that you´ll help to every dogs for NO kill animals.
Love, Chloe
woooooowwwwwwwwwwwww sparky friend..
you are an artist.. congratuations.
the jefa put your video in facebook yet...
a big hug...
Very neat, Sparky and Lizzy! It's neat you got it documented on video!
My lady and man wish they had helped my Angel sister Hana the Dog do a painting like that. It is something to cherish. But, Hana passed away a month ago. So, to everyone who thinks painting with their pet is a neat idea, don't wait. Do it now before it's too late.
Sparky and Lizzy, be sure you two have a painting that you have for keeps. (in addition to the one on ebay)
~Prints the Cat
Oh Sparky you are one talented pup and you are doing it for such a good cause. We are so proud of you. We will click on the google adds to help out. We have missed you...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Yes, we'll help spread the word. We've already written our post for tomorrow or Monday. Hope you get a good turnout.
Woooooow Sparky! You are a true arteeeeeste! Your mom is so proud of you! Great job!
Take care my friend!
luv ya
Lola SMiles
Hi, Sparky!
I am so happy you are doing it again!
I love your painting!
The video is pawesome... bloopers included!
Kisses and hugs
hello sparky its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is nice wurk!!! and plus yoo can git all dirty and not git in trouble!!! i wish i had thawt of that!!! ok bye
It looks like a Jackson Pawlick!
It looks like a Jackson Pawlick!
Hi Sparky - we saw you mentioned on Khyra's blog and just HAD to come over and check it all out! You are one talented pup - great picture. What a great cause too - you're an inspiration. We hope the picture sells for millions!! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Sweet painting. Too bad my momma has fear of eBay. Sigh. I am sure you will raise lots of dollars.
Khyra sent us to your site. This is so sweet I could cry. Love you Sparky!!
I'm thankful to Khyra for pointing me your direction. I'm a art lover myself and as a rescue, you have my support.
Sparky, it's nice to meet you. You're an interesting mix, to say the least. I can't even pronounce your breed. Huh. So you got the best of three worlds. Cool! I'll be sure to check out your links you make sure you keep up the great work.
Hey my friend Khyra sent me and I am glad she did. I love the painting and I love you, you are gorgeous.. HUgs GJ x
Khyra tolded me about you. I think being a canine artiste is so cool! Beeootiful paintings you has made. And for such a werthy cause.
I went to see if I could bid, but mommi had a limit of what she can add andit's past it.I went to youw adds and I hope that helps and if thewe is any othew way I can send you a little to help wif the sheltew can you tell me pleea?
I could do Up to $20.00 if I knew how to send it
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Excellent idea, Sparky! You´re so talented! Your painting is a fabulous work of art and for a great cause.
Sparky! you are so talented, pupster! we are really impressed. you have your human, Lizzy, really well trained too. the two of you work so well together. we are gonna go bid on the painting right now. it's definitely a masterpiece!
I saw a post about this on Khyra's blog, and it looks so amazing! I think you're not only a very talented artist, but a really generous one too!
Best of luck!!!
We posted about this today and are putting a link in Monday's post.
What a great painting, Sparky and a fun video of you in action. I hope you get a ton of money for it on ebay. It's such a good cause.
This is the BEST idea!!!! We hope the painting earns LOTS of money for the shelter. We already know it has generated a lot of interest and promoted a wonderful cause!
Way to go!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Hello - we came straight over from Asta's blog - that is one masterpiece! We hope it raises lots of money to help the animals! You are one talented Pooch
Sally and Paddy
We came right over from Jan's Funny Farm and watched your video. That is a lovely painting Sparky! We wish we had some green papers so we could bid on it.
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi and Tiger Lily
I saw this on another blog and loved it. Nice job!
Wowee you are sure clever; I hope you raise lots and lots of money. My Mum gets cross if I get too near her paints - I think that's cos our cat walked in the green paint one day and left footprints on the white windowsill...
Thanks for visiting my blog; I *am* feeling good now that my eyes are fixed and my weight is right. Us Papillon crosses have got to stick together huh?
What a wonderful artist you are, hope you have the best of luck with your painting and the bidding. I am involved with an auction right now myself. Wishing you the best.
Another Sparky masterpiece! Wagging to see you in action Sparky and paws crossed you will raise a lot of money for the shelter. What a great idea....set me thinking...
Wiry love and kisses Eric xxx
Ahhhh Sparky, can you get any more talented than this? How many more hidden talents are you hiding behind that cute face?
We hope this masterpiece of yours will fetch a good price for the shelter!
You sure are very talented Sparky. :)
~ Bae
What a fab painting!! I sure do hope it sells for LOTS of money!!
you ARE so talented and i will get my hooman to donate for such a good cause......eh, she does not NEED another pair of shoes bol....
Wow how super cool is that you are a painter! I think painting would be super fun! I hope you raise lots of money again. :)
Oh my dog Sparky....ya are a regular Picassa, I tell ya.....that was a wonderful job ya did there makin' that paintin' fer the shelter doggies.....'n the video that Lizzy made is fantastic too....Gram just loves that song by Josh Groban ta bits.....we sure hope ya raise a ton of money fer the shelter......ya have the real Christmas spirit....fer sure....
Dewey Dewster here......
That is sooo cool! Sparky! You are better that Jackson Pollock!
You are a painter very interesting
Very cool .....
Hugs from
Kareltje =^.^=
Woah Sparky that is awesome! Great job!!
S and D
Wow you are so talented! Keep it up.
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