After Lizzy hung out with her animal buddies, we all went to the playground. I had an awesome time! Lizzy told me to go down the slide and through some tunnels in the playground, and it was fun! Then Lizzy grabbed me and put me into a swing! It was a baby swing! I felt sort of embarrassed to be in a baby swing, but it was actually quite comfortable and I fit in it just right.
Here's some pictures of me in the swing!

After I swung for a little while, I decided to go tree climbing. Lizzy says I look like a mountain goat!

After I goofed around a bit, Lizzy, Mommy, Auntie, Cousin and I went for a walk along the seawall. Lizzy and I walked on the beach, while Mommy and Auntie and Cousin walked above us on the wall. I was walking along on the nice, soft sand, when all of a sudden I heard barking and yipping behind me! I swung around and this big dog was standing over a tiny dachshund. The poor little guy was terrified of the big dog, and he howled for help. His owners came running and picked him up where he would feel safe, but meanwhile his loud crying made me want to run away with fright! And the best place to get away from the dogs is up on top of the sea wall. Now the wall is about 6 1/2 feet high where we were, and that's taller than Lizzy. But it's not too tall. So I ran, and took a real flying leap, grabbed onto the top of the wall with my front paws, and pulled myself up and over. Lizzy, Mommy, Auntie, and Cousin all saw me and were amazed. Some other people walking on the seawall and the beach saw me and were amazed too. They wanted to see it again! So, guess what they did? They threw me back down onto the beach! Well, they didn't exactly throw me, they more like picked me up and gently put me down back on the beach. But I wanted on the wall! So I ran again to the wall, took a flying leap, and climbed over the top. By now there were quite a few people watching. "Do it again, do it again!" some said. So, of course, they put me back onto the beach. Now Lizzy got out her camera, and started taking a video of me. Oh brother. It's just a little jump! What's so exciting about it? Well, by now I was getting tired, and I don't want to be put back down any longer, so I'm gonna stay down! Sorry Lizzy, I know you wanted that on tape, but I'm tired of being put back on the beach over and over again. Maybe next time I'll jump up the 6 1/2 foot seawall again!
Later that day, I was tired. I slept pretty good that night.
Sparky, you are a champion jumper! You showed us that with your agility jumping and your hoola hoop! But a 6 1/2 foot wall? Oh my! Those are quite cute photos of you in the swing. I like how your tail is kind of blowing in the breeze. You had fun!
hey Sparky, you sure had a great time :) we loved the pictures :o)especially the one of you in the swing
woofs and puppy arfs,
Snowy and Crystal
Hi Sparky,
Wow, you are really athletic! You would never catch me in a tree… well; maybe if you put my food bowl up there I might give it a try!
Look at you in the swing lol. Super dog.
Simba xx
Not fair! How come I didn't get to go on the swings? And yes, we're from Vancouver, too! So excited that there are so many Vancouver doggies on here now!
Hahaha oh my gosh! You look like a baby swinging in that baby swing... And oh wow! I've never met a dog who can climb trees like you. I've met a lot of cats who can.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Woh you were on the swing. You sure looked like you had a great time. :)
~ girl girl
I wanna play swinging too. it looks really fun...and I like the pic of you on the tree. Bootiful.
Hi Sparky,
U look really cute on the swing!
So did you learn your climbing skills from the cats?
Hi, Sparky.
Glad you had great time at the park. I like your pictures in that swing! You look so cute! Sure you are a super jumper!
Have a nice day
Oh my dog should go to the Olympics for jumping!!! Totally need to see that on video. Maybe next time.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Wow Sparky, what a dogventure you had!! Great profile picture of you in the swing. Love the tail haning out! And what an athlete you are. A 6 1/2 fot jump! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Hi Sparky,
Thats the benefits of your agility training!If only my parents would take me !
I bet Lizzy took pictures did' nt she.She gets the best shots!
Wow Sparky, you are very athletic--I'm impressed. I've never swung on a swing or climbed in a tree. I don't think I would like that one bit!
Thanks for visiting my blog
See ya
sparky, you gotta teach me how to jump like that! it's just what i need to learn right now!
You DO look like a mountain goat! I wouldn't fit in the swing :o(. But I can climb 6 foot walls.
Wow.......swinging and tree climbing?? You are brave!
Kewl Sparky you are an amasing athelete! wish we could see the vidoe.
And so cute & calm in the swing - I would try to jump out.
That is a huge jump for you. It would be a huge jump for me. Good job.
Sparky--That is very impressive! You definitely have the body type for that, unlike me. I wish I could play Mountain Goat. Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi.
6 1/2 foot wall? Wow! I don't think I could jump that high. That's neat! Those pictures of you swinging and climbing trees looks really fun! I want to try swinging, but I don't think I could fit in one of those anymore. Anyway, it looks like you had lots of fun!
Wow Sparky, you are a wonderful athlete. 6 1/2 ft. jump. Holy cow, that's amazing. Too bad there is no video, I would've loved to have seen that. You also climb trees? Your amazing. I can't even jump on to the back of the couch without having to go up through the front. That's only 2 1/2-3 ft. high. You're so sporty!
ohh Sparky! i was sooo looking fwd to dat video of u jumping onto the seawall! next time ok?
n u climb trees! wow wow wow! your feline siblings muz hv taught u dat! u looked cute in the swing!
You are very brave sitting in that swing and cllimbing that tree. I like to have my paws planted firmly on the ground.
Love from Hammer
Hi Sparky, I am here for the very first time, and I think you look a bit like a Tibetan dog. You definitely climb like one! Nice pictures!
Man, that is a neat park! We don't have any kids' playgrounds around here that are fenced in so I can't go. :( You looked like you had a blast on that swing.
Sparky -
We love the park pictures - it looks like you had a great time.
We are really enjoying your blog. You and Lizzy keep up the great work!!
Have a good week - Dory and Liza
wear did u learn those tree climbing skill...
can u teach me so tat i can get rid of those kitty cats that invade my garden...
Wooow Sparky! What are you doing up there??? And look at you in the swing! So funny! Love the photos! Kisses!
I can't believe you let those crazy humans put you in a swing! I am not going to show my mama, because I just know she will try that on me!
Hi Sparky!
Love your picture up on the swing! wish my mommy and daddy let go to the park...
you should teach me a thing or two on the jumping! I'm trying to jump on my parent's big bed but I'm failing miserably. :(
and it's not even 3 feet...
OMG Sparky, you are such a brave guy!
i would be too scared to be in a swing or up high on a tree!
you are my new hero
Tre climbing and swinging, how cool is that!
It looks like you had alot of FUN! We have never been to Stanley Park, but our folks have, and they say it is really nice. One day, we hope to go too.
We also think that your jumping ability is very impressive. We like to jump too, but neither of us thinks we can jump as high as you.
Have FUN!!
Rusty & Smoky
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