First, I'll introduce you to Marble. Marble loves wildlife, a lot like my human Lizzy. But, she also loves wildlife a lot differently than Lizzy. Lizzy and Marble both love to be outside where there's lots of grass, dirt, trees, and flowers. They both love to sit very still and watch the wild animals. However, Lizzy watches them with love and respect and cameras, while Marble watches them with thoughts such as, "Where's a good place to pounce on the bird from? What kind of cool moves should I use to catch that squirrel?".

Now, here's Rascal. She's actually Marble's mother. She also likes wildlife the way Marble does. Rascal is the craziest cat of all. I'm sure she's missing a few pieces of her brain. She might look cute...


Do not be mistaken! She's evil. Just look at those claws

And those fangs!

And last, but not least, there's White Cat. White Cat is also known as Fatso, Smudge Pudge, Fat Cat, Kitty Cow, and Beluga. He is lazy. And he's quite fat (as you may have guessed my his nicknames). But, he is the friendliest cat of all. He loves to cuddle and roll in dirt. He's to lazy to bath himself, so Lizzy baths him in the laundry sink. His favorite place to sleep is the middle of the street. He's been sleeping there for nearly 10 years, and has not yet been made into a cat pancake. People have to get out of their cars and pick him and and carry him to the side of the road. White Cat also steals food. He went inside a neighbor's house and stole their dough nut. Our other neighbors have also caught him with his paw in their fishbowl.

On Easter Day we colored him, because he was the perfect shape for an easter egg.

Here's a picture of us being cool together.

So, now you know what other toys (cats) I live with. I hope you enjoyed reading about them!
Your cats are really interesting. We like them all and Fat Cat seems like a lot of fun since he sleeps in the middle of the road and lets you color him. We would like to play with them and see if we can bark and them and make them run. We would chase them up a tree if we could.
Hi, Sparky. You have super cool toys!
Those evil eyes are scary!!
Have a good night!
So Rascal is scarey...those eyes and claws...YIKES!!! And my Mom is still laughing at what you did to Fatso cat on Easter...ha, ha, ha.
Thanks for sharing the rest of the family are so like to have those toys!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I fear for you Sparky! You live with three cats? You better sleep with one eye open.
Hi Sparky, you do look cool. The best thing about cats is the nice treat boxes they keep in the house!
Hi Sparky! Thanks for visiting our blog. Your blog looks very cool, especially the pictures of you at the top! We love the pictures of you jumping through your hula hoop and getting to meet your toys (cats)! We'll visit you often! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Some of those cats look evil. Why do they have little tiny knives in their paws?
Simba xx
Hey, nice to meet your new toys(cats) you live with! Haha, Fatso! How did you guys do it? I mean how did you color him & with what??? LOL!!! I have two bad kitty sistas & I LOVE to bully them by standing & starring straight down at them. That really ge6ts them! Sumtimes I get a few swipes on my nose but I still don't care...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Those kitties look Deeelicious! Mom would love to have some of those yummy kitties, but they wouldn't last long at this house.
Hi Sparky,
betcha hv plenty of fun with your kitty siblings.
Your cats are funny!
Those fangs look sharp though! Beware!
Cats are not like us doggies!I think we are much nicer !
Hi Sparky,
Wow Rascal do look really crazy!
And it is very sneaky of you to scare the cats from behind!
The three of them look fun! I wanna have toys like these too!
Good Lord, Sparky, you have my full admiration being able to live with that lot. You are an endangered minority, did you know that?
Marble and Rascal would be very proud of me. I chased a baby bird out of our yard this week. It was so much fun. Mom didn't seem very happy though.
Wow, those are some great doggy toys!! Um, I mean cats. I wonder if Mommy will get me some of those to play with...??
White Cat looks so cute as an Easter Egg... Did you help color her??
Wow! Cats! I want one to play with! It must be fun!
Crazy pussies!
I mind two, of my friends & have a cutey next door!
Pats & strokes to all
You have a cooooool family Sparks! Do you sometimes just want to chase them though?? Just a little??
Hmm you have more cats then us. I'm sorry. Hey how fat is your fat cat. Our fat cat is 18 lbs.
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