Hi Everydog and hamsterriers! I hope you all had a great weekend. Tomorrow's Monday already! Man, time flies by so fast. Did you know... Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like bananas? It's true. I tell ya, especially in the summer, every time Lizzy gives me a banana, those little flies follow me around everywhere. They're annoying little pests.
Looks at this cute little bunny. Her name is
Angel. Doesn't she look like fun to chase? Hee hee.
Angel just started a
blog for herself. I think she'd really appreciate it if you all went over and barked hello. She's a pretty cool little bunny.
Oooh, look at this! It's Rascal the cat, looking in through the window. What do you want, Rascal?

Oh, you want inside, do you? Well, that's too bad... 'Cause I don't think I can let you in. I guess you'll have to stay outside in the cold, while I sit inside the nice warm house and enjoy my wonderful life. You can stay out there and freeze to death, for all I care. Ha ha! After all, who do you think will let you inside?

Hmm? Look behind me, you say? Oh. Heh heh, uh, hi Lizzy. I was just, uh, telling Rascal about how wonderful life will be, uh... For her... When someone opens the door, to, uh... let her in... Heh heh...

Phooey. I lose again. I hate it when Rascal flicks her tail at me as she walks past.

I wish Lizzy would've let her stay out a little longer. I was enjoying our little talk through the door, with Rascal on the cold side for once.
oh haha good talk you were having with Rascal. To bad Lizzy let her in the house. Our cat lives inside all the time. I hate him. We will go visit Angel.
Woofies Sparky...to bad u didnt git to finish ur conversation wiff dat kitty...its good to set da rules down fur dem so dey nos watt is expected of dem...and me will go sees u rabbit fend, Angel...
b safe,
lol, Sparky, I would have done the same. Not a fan of kitties or bunnies. I like chasing them myself. It drives Lisa my human CWAZZZZYYYY! Wigglebutt Wags,
Hi Sparky, My cats flick their tails at me too!! I have 3 of them-and one of my cats hits my face with his paw all the time-it's fun!! Does your cat hit your face?
Hey sparky!
Those kitties are meanies! that is why I bark at them...I wont have intelligent conversations with them..it's not worth it! Pfffttt
I really like your new banner, Sparky!! It's very creative!
Your bunny friend is very cute. Does he live in your house too?
Hi Sparky! I don´t know the cats.They are not trustworthy?
I will go visit your friend Angel!
Love and licks
Hi, Sparky!
Sure you had a good talk with Rascal. Too bad Lizzy caught you!
I am going to visit Angel's blog!
Have a good night
I don't know much about bunnies, but I like kitties, don't you? They're pretty good to chase. The got the whole run away thing down.
Sparky, Penny wants me to tell you that she has a cat who has moved in next door and has to be taught to keep to her own property. Penny is on the job all the time.
WAHAHA... I had a good laugh reading about your ummm... conversation with Rascal! Better luck next time (but remember to keep a watch over your shoulder!).
LOL, darnit, I wish I could do that to my cat, too! Except he's not allowed outside at all, sheesh.
Don't you hate it when you get busted by the humans like that.....
Hehe, that really cracks me up! Lizzy should let her out bit longer. I can't stand when a cat flick her tail at me too. Angel is cute bunny! I will drop by her blog!
Amber :)
Hehehe! Actually, I always want to make my bad bad kitty sistas to come out fro the back kitchen. One of them is very unfriendly. She's such a COW! Bt I don't care, I still want her to come out from there & join us. Why are cats soooo unsociable?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
hmmmm 'Rascal' what a fitting name for a C-A-T...
Ooh that darned cat! Foiled again! Don't they know dogs rule and cats drool??? Honestly!
Your little bunny friend is cute. We will hop (ha! ha!) on over and pay her a visit!
Ozzie & Rocky
Hi Sparky & Lizzie
We are back! Whose rabbit is that? She is so so sooooooo cute. Mom wants to get one but dad say NO cos we have fishes, hamsters already..haha
Boy n Baby
argh! look at dat smug look Rascal gave u! grrrr...
Heh heh...that was entertaining. Wished that could enjoy a longer conversation between the two of you. Sure will go over to say hi to Angel.
i think u're being a little harsh towards rascal.....
but anyway, i do agree with u that bunny is great to chase...
i would hv join u
At least you got to taunt Rascal for a little while. :)
Your friend, Lenny
Just stick your nose over and boost that wascally little Rascal!
- Charlie
Aw Sparky... You should have finish your conversation before you let the kitty in
~ Girl girl
Hey Sparky,
That Rascal seems a bit cheeky -flicking his tail at you! There's always a next time...
Jazz and Dixie
Hmmmm, I'm not so sure about those bunnies. I've always wanted to eat one but I'm not sure about being friend's with one. Maybe I'll give it a try.
wow.. u got a bunny friend??.. i love bunny..
but eerrr.. i hate cat!!.. what r u guys chatting there huh?.. heheh
Sparky!! Sorry for being very very quite for the longest time. :( Angel is very cute bunny. :) We don't know why we can't view rest of the posted photos. We'll be back here a little later.
Momo & Pinot
Hey, Sparky Boy!
I love the look of your Angel Bunny bud. I'll go over to say hi.
As for Rascal, it looks like he knows how to work the sympathy card on Lizzy! Too bad for you, man.
Goober love,
Too bad that the kitty get to come into the house. Perhaps the next time you should just keep lizzy busy away from the door when the kitty is outside freezing.
The rabbit is really cute.
Hi Sparky
You are wicked !!
Hey Sparky my little friend! Oh times goes by... so fast! That little bunny is so cute!
Have a super weekend!!
It was fun while it lasted, huh, Sparky. :P Well, at least the cat didn't scratch you when she came in. Lizzy would have probably protected you though.
Hey Sparky!!
Nice to meet ya!
Your blog is really great, and you are just ADORABLE!
lots of love!
peace out
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