I've noticed that a bunch of you have been posting your tongue pictures! Well, I decided to dig through a bunch of my old photos, and guess what I found? Tongue pictures!
Here's the first. I actually didn't want to put up this shot, as it is quite embarrassing being caught on camera naked in the shower. But Lizzy made me put it up.

Here's the next shot. I think I was actually licking up and eating my boogers here. Another embarrassing memory.

This is me, panting after and game of ball at the park.

This picture was taken during a very hot summer day at the park. I still hadn't had my summer haircut yet!

Now in this picture, I'm not quite sure what I was doing... If I remember correctly, I believe I was trying to push back the hair from over my eyes by using my tongue. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite long enough.
You can just see a tiny bit of my tongue here. I was in the middle of my daily summer grass meal when Lizzy snapped this shot.
Here I am, yelling and barking with joy as we finally arrive at our vacation spot. Or was I yawning just as we started the long, boring trip there? I can't remember.
Finally, here's the last tongue picture. There's actually still more, but I think I've already posted enough. Here's a big tongue smile to start off your weekend with!

Here I am, yelling and barking with joy as we finally arrive at our vacation spot. Or was I yawning just as we started the long, boring trip there? I can't remember.

Finally, here's the last tongue picture. There's actually still more, but I think I've already posted enough. Here's a big tongue smile to start off your weekend with!

those are all great pictures of you and your tongue.
Hey there Sparky!
Cute pics! We especially love the 3rd last one!! You look adorable!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey there Sparky!
Yes, it's pawsome to run around with other doggies!! And yep, we've had a great new year so far!
Hope you have too!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
woofies Sparky, pawsome tongue picturs ya got...heehee me likies da one of u in da grass da bestest...we pose to git more snow tomorrow tooo...
b safe,
I like all the pic Sparky, you look energectic and liz is a great photography.
Hi, Sparky!
Nice tongue pictures! I like all of them!
Have a great weekend
Hi, Sparks de Barks. My man. Love that picture of you and the shower. Yup. Making a pin up to put on the wall of my kennel. Woo hoo.
Please vote for me for Photo fo the month at DWB - in the Bone Zone. Gosh, I would love to win. Although I absolutely HATE the picture Mom put up. I think I had a hangover from the New Years eve party and she caught me looking for some alka seltzer. Still...!
Thanks and love ya...MMOB
we love those tongue pictures
in the pic were you were yawning, we actually thought that you were laughing =D LOL
malts' paws,
Snowy & Crystal
What a great collection of tongue pics. Think we will have to join all the fun and dig some up too.
We love the last photo as you look so happy.
Yes our new year is going well, a bit cold but we are happy and healthy. You?
Jazz and Dixie
Have a great weekend.
Simba xx
Neat new design on your blog. We love how you made your header on your blog. Very creative. :) We wish we knew how to do that stuff. :)
Sparky, you are just too cute. Tongue haning out and all. :) I like the agility pic the best.
Wow, the many different poses of your tongue! Lovely pictures as usual!
Hi Sparky,
Thanks for leaving a post on my blog. yeah I LOVE running with mom-but if it makes you feel better I hate the rain TOO! I guess that's the good part about living in southern californi. I know mom has always wanted to take me to British Columbia-maybe one day!!!
Hi Sparky, your tongue sure is looking good. Lizzy has some really good pictures of you with your tongue. and don't be embarrassed about licking your nose. we all do it.
I'm so glad you had such a good time in class..Iknew you would! and i love youw tongue shots!!!what a gweat tongue you have Sparky!!!
Mommi's still sick, so I can bawely get hew to answew my fwiends , let alone post..booo hooo
smoochie kisses
I like seeing the pics with the green grass. We miss the warm weather here!
The bandana was a good choice for agility class.
That's a lot of tongue pictures. You might want to be more aware of when your mom has a camera handy so she won't catch embarrassing shots.
jans funny farm
Hi Sparky! When you're as handsome as you are, the tongue pics are cute as can be!
How good that you had a great time in your agility class!
Great pictures!
Sparky your tongue is fabulous and it has sooooo many uses too!! Totally starting my weekend off grrreat!
Sparky -
Great photos one and all! My human is impressed you are so good in the tub!
Did you change your template? It looks great! Have a great week!
Hi Sparky
Mommy laughed a lot!!
BOL! Great shots! HM hates that I never stick out my tongue or "smile" like most dogs.
Your tongue is AMAZING! I can't believe that you can pick your own boogers and I can't. Maybe you could give me some lessons?
My girl thinks you're cute no matter what!
Goober love & smooches,
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