Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Howl-ooo-ween

I hope you all have a GRRRReat HOWL-ooo-ween today! I'm going to try to steal some lollipops tonight from the candy basket! Then my humans and I are going to go to bed early (yes, early even on howl-ooo-ween) because we have to get up at 4:00 AM tomorrow for my first agility trial!

I'll just leave you all with a few pictures of the pumpkins and I...

Here we are, all orange!

Hey, wait a minute, this pumpkin looks an awful lot like my favorite orange ball...

I think I'll take it.


B said...

You look great with those pumpkins, good work carving them up.


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hi Sparky,
Happy Halloween to you too.
I'm so glad to see you, how're you?
I like the pumpkin on the right, it looks so funny.
Hey Sparkey, that was the orange, not the orange ball, haha!

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Sparky!
Great pictures of you with the pumpkins!
Happy Halloween!

Love and licks

River said...

Did your humans let you keep it? Great picture of you between the pumpkins.

love & wags,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Woo are just TOOOO KHUTE!!

Orange is sooo your kholour!!!

Good lukhk tomorrow -


Moco said...

You are looking good in orange. Good luck on your trials. We just know that you will do well.

Lorenza said...

Happy Halloween Sparky!
Good luck on your trials!
Kisses and hugs

Clover said...

Happy Howloween Sparky! Pawesome pictures. :)
Love Clover xo

Amber-Mae said...

Happy Halloween Sparky! You look good with your bandanna. Nice pumpkins too!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Good luck at your agility trials, Sparky!
What great Halloween pictures with the pumpkins!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey Sparky,

you look PAWSOME sitting next to the pumpkins. and that pic of you carrying your fave ball is too CUTE

Guess how did we decide to spent Halloween night?

Chef said...

Hey Sparky, that IS your orange ball - all dressed up like a pumkin!

How come you don't come visit me anymore, Sparky? I miss you!


Lacy said...

w00f's Sparky, heehee u all done up in orange...and ur ball too..hope u had a pawsome day at agility...

b safe,

Hero said...

I have a bandana just like yours, Sparky! You look very handsome in orange.

Sophie Brador said...

Monsieur Macaroni, I keep trying to eat our neighbour's pumpkin. Its nose hole keeps getting bigger and bigger every time I go out, because I keep gnawing on it.

You look great in orange.


BrandytheGreat said...

You look too cute with that tiny puNk'kin!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hope you had a good weekend. Nose licks. Simba x

Xsara and Tani said...

very cute :) now how did the trial go, i want to hear all of it!

Simba said...

Pawesome pics! Hope you got some treats for tricks!



Joe Stains said...

LOL what awesome pics, you play fetch with that pumpkin? How was the agility trial??

Abby said...

Hi, Sparky...

You look very handsome in orange...

How was your agility trial?

Abby xxxooo

doyle and mollie said...

aw sparky thats so cute!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Tee hee!! How did it taste// We want to hear about your agility!!!! Love A+A

Myeo said...

You look great! Your bandana really matches well with the pumpkin colour.

Boy n Baby

Moco said...

We loved watching you go through your trial. You did a very good job. Congrats on your ribbons.

Lindsay said...

Was that little pumpkin really your ball? If not, did it taste good? You look pawsome in your orange bandanna!

Brown dog kisses,

L said...

You look so cute in your orange bandana and posing with the pumpkins.

Amici said...

You look adorable standing next to the pumpkins and wearing your bandana. Love the last pic with your orange ball in your mouth. Your human must have to hug you all the time cause you are SO cute!