Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Leaf Pile

Have I ever told you guys before that I love leaf piles? Well, I do. When my human Lizzy was raking the yard on Sunday, I kept on jumping into her leaf pile so that she had to bury me. It's so much fun to be buried under the leaves, because then you can take a big jump out of them, and the leaves will go flying everywhere, just for the human to rake up again! How cool is that?!

Can you find me in this picture?

I decided to pose for Lizzy's camera.

I hope you're all having a wonderful furry fall too!


Lindsay said...

You look fabulous in that leaf pile!

Brown dog kisses,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



Your kholours khoordinate sooooo furry well!

Woo had soooo much fun!


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow, that last photo was so cool! I love all the colors of the leaves...*grins*


Hero said...

Beautiful pictures, Sparky! You're lucky to have all those leaves to play in. Most of the trees where I live are evergreen so I don't have ginormous leaf piles to play in.

Clover said...

Sparky, you look so cute! And that is such a fun activity. :)
Lizzy is a great photographer!
Love Clover xo

Joe Stains said...

That was so cute, what were you doing in there before you popped out?!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sparky!
Ha! I thought you were going to come into the pile and Wow! you were already there!
Kisses and hugs

Myeo said...

Beautiful pictures! You look great in the pile of leaves.

Btw, we read about he cat barf story and you make us laugh. It was very nice of you thou.

Boy n Baby

Ben & Darling said...

hey Sparky, miss you!!

Sorry, we are still not updating our blog..the hooman are busy...

Anywhere, we love the photo...I remember u took some for last year falls too.

slurpy licks,

Ferndoggle said...

You blend in with those leaves Pawfectly! Happy Fall to you Sparky.


Abby said...

Hi, Sparky...

How fun!!!

I love leaves, too...

I usually rearrange them after they fall...You know, like this leaf should be over there & that leave should be over here...It's a big job...

Anyway...I was gonna do that this weekend, but we had this really early snow stuff...So I think they are all ruined now...But I'll check...

And, I think it was you that told me about how good leaves are to make a salad...Well, I did & it was great!!
Abby xxxooo

Moco said...

Those are for sure your colors. You blended right into the leaf pile. It was plain to see that you were having the time of your life. Someone sure takes good pictures.

George the Pup said...

Those leaves sure are great camouflage for you Sparky! And that really looks like a ton of fun! I wonder if I could sit still for that?!

Fred said...

Those leaves are just your color! Um, colors...heehee You still look pawsome!

Lady Kaos said...

Oh my dogness! That looks like so much fun!! We don't have many leaves at our new house. I'm going to have to have Mom and Dad plant me some trees this summer so I can get some fun leaves to play in!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Those are great. We love the video.. You sat still for a very long time...
You are really stylin in your bandana..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Duke said...

Hey, that looks like fun, Sparky! Dad sucks all of our leaves up with the tractor and some pull along collector and we miss out on jumping in a big pile of leaves! Dad is ruining all of our fun! poopoo!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

We like leaves. And we bring them inside!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I see you, I see you. You look pawsome in that leave pile. :)

~ Girl girl

T-man's mom said...

Ha ha haa!!! That was so funny knowing Sparky was hiding in the leaf pile waiting to jump out! He really knows how to put on a good show for his fans :)

Sparky, orange is a good color for you. I like your picture in those leaves!

T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel

Snowball said...

That looks really fun!!! I have never tried playing in such huge pile of leaves before.


i said...

I love the picture of you in the leaf pile! You certainly blend well with nature! Have a great weekend Sparky!


Hi Sparky
That sure looks like fun. The pictures are beautiful.
Happy Halloween

Simba and Jazzi said...

That is a big pile of leaves. You look super cute.

Simba x

the many Bs said...

hi Sparky, that's really fun when you jump out of the pile of leaves. your pretty color looks very pretty in the leaves. fall us such a beautiful time of year and you look very good in it! heehee


Amber-Mae said...

What funny video!!!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba said...

OMD! So funny!!


Dewey Dewster said...

Hey Sparky....

Ya were really hidin' in that pile of leaves.....were ya just waitin' ta scare the peemail outta some unsuspectin' doggie ????

But i do see ya in the leaf pile in the still...ya weren't hidin' too well in that one.....

Hope ya have a Happy Halloween !!!!!

Dewey Dewster here.....

Asta said...

don't be afwaid..I'll pwotect you..all the scawy stuff at ouw pawty is just one will get lookwondewful in those leaf wondew you love them
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Vote Sparky! You look really good in that pile of leaves, we really like your mom's photos.

Happy Halloween,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Have a safe and Happy Halloween.

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Nancy at the Farm said...

Mum says you may be the most photogenic dog she has ever met! We think you're hot too!

Love, Dozer, Dots and Coop

L said...

We don't get leaves like that here, so we never get to play in them. It looks like it is a lot of fun! Great pictures!